은혜찬양 듣기 ♡

{찬양} ♥ 야훼 하나님 YAHWEH ♥ 예루살렘 Jerusalem ♥ 새예루살렘 The New Jerusalem

샬롬♡예루살렘 2017. 7. 20. 21:48


♥ 야훼 하나님 Yahweh ♥




Yahweh, Jesus is coming
In all nature, our Lord is coming
Yahweh, Jesus is coming
Born in Bethlehem
Born in Bethlehem

Yahweh, Jesus is teaching
In the temple, our Lord is teaching
Yahweh, Jesus is teaching
Nobody speaks like him
Nobody speaks like him

Hosanna, He comes in the form of a man
Jehovah, the great God of Abraham
He lived to die for our sins
Yahweh for our sins

Yahweh Jesus is praying
In the garden, our Lord is praying
Yahweh, Jesus is praying
"Let this pass from me"
"Let this pass from me"

Yahweh, Jesus is dying
On a cross, there, our Lord is dying
Yahweh, Jesus is dying
Dying for our sins
He's dying for our sins

Yahweh, Jesus is buried
In a rich man's tomb he is buried
Yahweh, Jesus is buried
But he will not stay
No, he will not stay

Yahweh, Jesus is rising
Our Lord is rising
From that grave our Lord is raising
Yahweh, Jesus is rising
Now, He lives again
Yes, He lives again!

Hosanna, He comes in the form of a man
Jehovah, the great God of Abraham
He lived to die for our sins
He arose from the grave!
And lives again!

He arose from the grave!
He lives again!
He arose, He arose!
He lives again!
Our Lord lives again!










♥ 예루살렘 Jerusalem ♥





John saw a city that could not be hidden
John saw the city, oh yes he did
John caught a glimpse of the golden throne
Tell me all about it, go right on
Around the throne he saw the crystal sea
There's got to be more, what will it be
I want to go, to that city he saw
New Jerusalem

I want to walk your streets that are golden
And I want to run where the angels have trod
I want to rest on the banks of your river
In that city, the city of God

John saw the lion lay down by the lamb
I want to know everything about that land
John saw the day but he did not see night
The lamb of God well, he must be the light
And he saw the saints worship the great I am
Crying worthy, worthy is the lamb
I want to go to that city he saw
New Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Sing for the night is over
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna forever
Forever more

I want to walk your streets that are golden
And I want to run where the angels have trod
I want to rest on the banks of your river
In that city, the city of God
The city of God
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
The city of God, is the city of God





(펌 - 선지자님께서 '예루살렘'이라는 찬양을 계속 방송하라고 지시하셨습니다.

Arthur - 2017.07.20. 0:00


지금 케냐 사역회 라디오에서는 선지자님의 지시로
'예루살렘'이라는 찬양곡(펌주 - 바로 위 찬양 영상)을 계속 방송하고 있습니다.

전세계에서 문자와 이메일을 보내서 새예루살렘성의 정금길을
예수님과 걷고 싶다는 소망을 보내고 있습니다.

한국에서도 많은 분들이 영화로운 여호와의 나라,
사망이나 고통이나 질병이나 다툼이 없으며
예수님께서 직접 우리의 모든 눈물을 닦아 주시는
우리의 천국 본향에 들어갈 수 있도록 은총을 부어달라는
기도문을 라디오에 보내고 있습니다.

지독한 시체 냄새로 썩어가던 로사 사모의 부활은
사망의 늪에 빠져 있는 교회도 예수님의 부활의 권능으로
새롭게 태어날 수 있다는 소망의 메시지입니다.
한국교회도 마른 뼈로 가득하며 악취가 진동하고 있지만
회개와 거룩함, 의로움의 메시지를 붙잡고 번영복음과 음란과 거짓,
포스트 모더니즘을 버린다면 로사 사모의 부활로 부활할 것입니다.

한국전쟁이 임박한 가운데 거룩한 신부들이 곧 들어가게 될
새예루살렘성을 노래하는 것은 시간이 완전히 끝난 것을 의미합니다.


Jerusalem 찬양 (바로 위 영상) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2j5uq0rYXA )






♥ 예루살렘 Jerusalem ♥







♥ 예루살렘 Jerusalem ♥







♥ 새예루살렘 The New Jerusalem ♥










<새예루살렘 열린 진주문 안 도성 황금길 - https://rapturewatcher.wordpress.com/2014/06/05/new-jerusalem-the-eternal-home-of-raptured-and-resurrected-saints-are-you-perpetually-ready-for-the-glorious-flight-into-new-jerusalem-on-rapture-day/>