(1:39) - The 70th Session fof the United Nations Assembly
will meet to vote on Recognizing a "Palestinian Sate" on September 15, 2015.
(8:29) Genesis 22:1-2 아브라함 할아버지께서 아들이삭을 제물로 바치는 이미지 그림.
(8:36) New Age Occultists Claim 2015 to be the "Year of Light".
CERN Homepage Image capture of "2015 : the International Year of Light"
(12:04) on May 13, 2014 French foreign minister Fabius mentions of Climatic Chaos.
(13:00) Pope Francis will visit US to address Congress and will visit
Philadelphia on September 24, 2015.
(13:49) What Connection does the Papcy have to climati change or even astronomy?
And why does the Vatican "share space with a telescope named,
"Lucifer" at the Vatican Observatory on Mount Graham In Tuscon, Arizona?
(14:34 부터 ~) Easter Vigil Mass 2015,
St. Peter's Basilica, the Vatican of Rome 미사 모습.
여기서(미사/예배 시간)에 루시퍼를 찬양하는 기도문을 낭독하는 모습.
(15:33) 로마카톨릭 예수회 신부, Jose Gabriel 이
외계인을 인정하는 모습. (외계인은 타락한 천사임.)
(16:19) NORAD Moves under Cheyenne Mountain in 2015. (Apr.14, 2015 기사)
(* NORAD - North American Aerospace Defense Command.
It is US and Canada bi-national organization.)
(16:52) In April 2015, the Pentagon awarded defense firm Raytheon a $700 million
contract to install new equipment inside the mountain.
Seems like the Elite are ramping up preparations for an EMP attack...
(17:05) EMP? nuclear attack? asteroid impact? etc....