Ken Peters Prophetic Word To The Gathering November 1, 2015
Ken Peters Prophetic Word To The Gathering:
게시일 - 2016 6 26. posted by Shema-ministries Jerusalem - (지워짐)
존귀하신 우리 주,
거룩하시며 광대하신, 다시 오시는 우리 주 예수 그리스도를 높여드리기 원합니다.
아멘. 아멘. 아멘.
글을 보시는 모든 분들께 존귀하신 우리 주 예수님 안에서 귀한 휴거의 축복의 말씀을 전합니다.
아멘. 아멘. 아멘. 아멘. 아멘. 아멘. 아멘.
할렐루야. 아멘.
위 영상은 2015년 11월 01일에 있었던 어느 성회에서 Ken Peters 목사님을 통하여
선포된 대언의 말씀입니다.
많은 귀한 계시적 메세지들이 있으나
위 영상의 메세지에는 존귀하신 우리 주 하나님의 자녀들에게
주님께서 힘을 주시고, 용기를 주시고, 하늘의 축복과 약속의 말씀으로
힘을 주시는 대언의 내용들이 굉장히 많이 있는 계시의 메세지입니다.
그러나 의도치 않게 아래 <간략하게 7개의 말씀으로 저의 임의로 요약>한 말씀에는
주님께서 본 메세지 전체에서 주시는 축복과, 용기와 힘을 주시는 말씀은 거의 담기지 못하였음을
참고하시기를 말씀드립니다...
(전체 메세지를 다 번역한다면 주님의 귀한 용기와 힘을 북돋아 주시는 말씀들이
전달될 것으로 여겨지지만 아래와 같이 7가지로만 저의 임의로 간추렸기에 나타나는 결과인 것 같습니다..
전체 내용을 다 번역하지 못한 점 죄송합니다.)
(주: 2015년 11월 01일 아래의 대언의 말씀이 선포되었습니다.)
1. 나의 사람들, 나의 교회, 곧 나의 진리를 수호하고 있는 남은 자들은 엄청난 테스트와 시험을 겪고 있노라. 이것은 다가오는 영원한 것들을 위해 내가 그들을 준비시키고 있는 것이니라.
그리고 많은 이들이 말하기를, "주님, 왜요? 왜요? 왜요?" 라고 말하나, 내가 너희를 준비시키고 있음이니라.
For My people and My church, those of a remnant, have been in a severe testing and trial.
2. (말씀이 선포된 날짜 2015 11 01) 앞으로의 3년 안에 너희 삶에 도전을 주는 너무나 엄청난, 엄청난 이슈들을 너희가 보게 되리라..
In the next three years, you will see staggering, staggering issues, challenging lives.
3. 나의(예수 그리스도의) 아버지(주 하나님)께서 큰 면류관의 상급을 준비하고 계시며 매우, 매우 곧, 내가 곧 가는 너희의 왕이 되리라.
My Father is preparing great crowns of rewards
(아멘. 아멘. 아멘. 아멘. 아멘. 아멘. 아멘.)
4. 선지자들이 너희에게 와서 말하기를 너희들의 지금의 기도가 앞으로의 3년을 결정하리라 말하였노라.
Prophets have come to you and spoken that your prayers will dictate the next three years.
5. 주가 말하노라, (말씀이 선포된 날짜 2015 11 01) 지금은 분리의 때이니라.
This is a day of separation, says the Lord.
6. 주가 말하노라. 3년 안에 모든/all 나라들의 격변을 너희가 보게 되리라. (*주: 말씀이 선포된 날짜 2015 11 01) 또한 심지어 국가들의 이름들이 영원히 사라지는 것도 너희는 보게 되리라.
The LORD says, in three years you will see the upheaval of all nations. And you will see that even national names will be gone forever!!
7. 마음을 지키라, 나의 자녀들아. 일어나라, 빛을 발하라. 이는 네 빛이 이르렀고 여호와의 영광이 네 위에 임하겠음이니라
You have heard My Word many times; you have heard My Scriptures speak to your hearts.
And yet you have heard this one over and over, but I say to you today,
it shall be alive in your hearing. For I, the Lord, will send you help from the Sanctuary.
Yes, I say, I will send you help from the Sanctuary, from the holy place of My habitation.
I’ve sent out international angels, heavenly hosts that will begin to make you strong again.
For My people and My church, those of a remnant, have been in a severe testing
and trial. For I have been preparing them for eternal things to come.
And many would say, ‘Lord, why? Why? Why?’
But I am saying that I am preparing you for an eternal weight of glory.
That when you put on the Robe of Righteousness and stand before My Son,
that you will know that truly you have done well.
That you will not think you got in by the skin of your teeth,
but you will know that you served the King well. You know that you overcame.
For did not My Son say seven times, in the great revelation to John,
that those who overcome, those who overcome,
those who overcome, those who overcome, those who overcome, THOSE WHO OVERCOME
– shall they not rule and reign with Me? Is this not your destiny?
Is this not what each and every one of you are called to be and do?
So I’m telling you today, that help from the Sanctuary is being sent to you right now.
That the journey will get easier, and that the battle, though it may rage upon this earth,
that you will be strong and glorious. That you will be filled with might;
that you will be filled with great faith.
For truly My Spirit has chosen each and every one of you to be overcomers.
But this is not automatic; this is not something that just happens.
This is something that is the outpouring of your continual fight.
And did not Paul say to you, ‘Fight the good fight of faith?’
I’m strengthening your arms today; I’m strengthening your feeble knees.
For some of you today, those sins that have easily beset you are being removed!
They’re being pushed away!
For I, the Lord God, have chosen you as a special people.
I have chosen you as a treasured people.
But more than that, I have chosen you to be a feared people.
And the fear of My name will fall upon My Church again.
And this earth and its inhabitants will know that I have rose up mightily among My own.
Oh, Gathering, says the Lord, be strong in this hour! Do not shrink back from the trials!
But face off with the adversary, knowing that I, the Lord, are raising your arms like Moses
when Hur and Aaron lifted up his arms.
Today my angelic hosts are lifting up your arms.
They’re beginning to do things that you cannot do on your own.
They’re beginning to bring reconciliation and restoration.
You will see a sweeping across America. In the next three years, you will see staggering,
staggering issues, challenging lives. You will see great devastation upon your land
and many foreign lands. For the wrath of God is beginning in the earth against the unjust,
against those who refuse My Good News.
But My people, you are in a safe place. You are in a very, very safe place with Me.
You must not fear the upheaval of nations.
You must not fear the moving of nations into the Middle East.
You must not fear what‘s going to happen upon Israel.
You must not fear what will happen to America.
For in the midst of chaos, I, the Lord, rule! I rule in the midst of downturns;
I rule in the midst of trials.
For My people are special and you must understand that I chose you above others.
That when you responded to My Son’s atonement that I made a special compact with you,
a covenant that cannot be broken.
This is not your hour of defeat, but this is your hour to rise up strong.
Like a great ship mast in the midst of a terrible storm, shall you be unwaivered, unmoving.
And I will pilot each and every one of you as you surrender to the working of My Spirit.
As you decree today, do you not believe that I have all these things for you?
But you must be an obedient people to Me; you must not give Me lip-service.
The things that I say in My Word, you must do in this hour. Never forget My throne of grace.
Even in your rebellion, My throne of grace will give you mercy
and empower you to become those of a glorious nature.
The Lord says, stop being distracted. I want distractions put away from each of you.
For some of you it’s the amount of time you spend in things that are not eternal.
Look at your lives, children, today.
My Father is preparing great crowns of rewards
and very, very soon I will BE your soon-coming King.
But for some of My people, that day will catch them unaware and they will not be prepared.
And they will be like a man who went on a journey without food, without clothing,
and came into a storm and suffered great loss.
You must hear Me, My children, for My Spirit beckons each of you now.
This is not a time any longer to give Me 50%.
You must give Me 100, for you are called to be overcomers.
You have been destined by My Father to sit with the 24 elders and make great decisions
and heavenly strategies in the new earth and the heaven to come.
Do you not see that you are called to things beyond this limitation on earth?
Come on, My people, you must see into a new dimension;
you must look beyond your trials, your problems.
And the Lord says you must no longer be complainers like Israel.
For the Lord says this world will devour the complainers.
But those who are clothed with the fire of My Spirit, they cannot be consumed.
They cannot be moved and shaken.
Soon you will begin to understand the very power of your worship
and how it shatters spiritual realms and breaks principalities’ backs.
For great darkness has been sent upon your land,
for those in high civil authorities have given this nation over to the ways of darkness.
But I, the Lord, will redeem My people! I did not come to redeem governments;
I did not come to exalt nations. I came to covenant with a people that are called out.
So be ye the “called out” ones, says the Lord. And make a fresh covenant with Me today.
Rend your hearts before Me, all of you,
regardless of how well you know Me or how long you’ve walked with Me,
or how deep you’ve gone with Me, or how you’ve served Me.
This is a holy day, a holy day among you, that you will never forget as time progresses.
As time begins to come faster and faster,
you will look back on this day, the first day of this month(November).
You will look back, even as the clocks were changed and time began anew,
you will say that was the day of a Holy Convocation; the day the Lord set me aside and chose me
for a special work. Rend your hearts, says the Spirit of Grace and Supplication.
The Lord says, you have called times of prayer here. They must be adhered to by more and more.
Some of you are ignoring the Spirit of Grace,
and you find excuses and alibis with which to avoid spiritual depth.
But a great tide is coming, and like a tidal wave that pulls people out to the seas,
some of My people will begin to be pulled out to the sea
and never return to the depth of their First Love.
Do not ignore the beckoning of My Spirit this day.
This land is being weighed in the balances. There must be great prayer.
Prophets have come to you and spoken that your prayers will dictate the next three years.
It’s time that you become a serious people,
for Satan has desired to send scorpions and demonic beings to bite the people of God,
and to get them to doubt My goodness through a lack of separation.
This is a day of separation, says the Lord.
I called you to be a sanctified people. Come out, come out from this world and be separate.
Set aside those things that trip you up,
and do these things that make your Lord a Lord of pleasure for you.
A Master who smiles when he looks upon you when you work.
No, your works shall never, ever obtain your salvation,
but your earthly works will determine the pleasure of the King.
And where you are in the midst of His presence, for some of you the Spirit of Grace is saying, kneel.
Others, He is saying to your hearts, lift your hands high and pledge your allegiance to the Lamb of God. Pledge your allegiance to the Kingdom that comes.
11:58 - ... The LORD says,
in three years you will see the upheaval of all nations.
And you will see that even national names will be gone forever!!
Some of you act as though these things can never happen in this modern era!
But if you look back, many times throughout the history of man, nations have lost their names,
their influences. And these things are happening now, says the LORD. And you must be ready!
1. 일어나라 빛을 발하라 이는 네 빛이 이르렀고
여호와의 영광이 네 위에 임하였음이니라
2. 보라 어두움이 땅을 덮을 것이며 캄캄함이 만민을 가리우려니와
오직 여호와께서 네 위에 임하실 것이며 그 영광이 네 위에 나타나리니
3. 열방은 네 빛으로, 열왕은 비취는 네 광명으로 나아오리라
( 2016.02.02 00:59 - Ken Peters Prophetic Word To The Gathering November 1, 2015.)
'나는 대환란을 보았다.'
- 죽은 자들의 부활, 휴거, 적그리스도의 출현,
새 질서, 칩, 지진, 날씨 변화, 계엄령, 예수님의 재림, 미래에 대한 예언
(캔 피터스 Ken Peters 목사 간증)
영상 게시자 설명 이하:
한글 자막이 보이지 않으시면 비디오 아래의 설정 버튼에서 한국어를 선택해 주세요.
원비디오 출처 (Original Video Source):
이 비디오는 2005 년에 '프라퍼시(예언) 클럽' 에서 촬영된 것입니다.
캔 피터스는 1980년에 마지막 때와 대환란에 대한 꿈을 꾸었습니다.
그의 꿈은 그에게 너무나도 충격적이었는데, 그는 마지막 때와 예수님의 재림,
또는 대환란에 대해 아무런 지식도 가지고 있지 않았었기 때문입니다.
2주 후에 그는 예수님을 구세주로 영접했습니다.
그가 1980년에 봤다는 것들이 지금까지 어떻게 이루어져 왔는지는 매우 소름끼치는 일입니다.
현재 우리는 이 이야기의 결말 부분에 와 있습니다.
지금은 매우 빨리 이야기가 전개되어져 가고 있고,
다른 성경 예언적 해석들과 징조들과 종합해 볼 때,
우리가 지금 휴거와 대환란 직전에 놓여져 있는 것이 분명해 보입니다.
이 간증은 마지막 때 휴거와 대환란 속에 어떤 식으로 이야기가 전개될 수 있는지에 대해
이해할 수 있게 도와 줍니다.
이 간증 속에서 전자, 통신 장비의 정지의 대해 이야기했는데,
전직 정부 관료가 이것이 이떻게 일어날 수 있는지에 대해 설명했습니다.
(영어 풀버전) Ken Peters - I Saw The Tribulation (Full Version)
영상 게시자 설명 이하:
Ken Peters received a dream over 30 years ago.
His dream gives clear direction and revelation of end-time world events, including the tribulation.
Many events of the dream have come to pass, confirming its accuracy
and many understanding about the tribulation.
Ken shows a drawing that resembles the Mark of the Beast and how it was implemented.
Also covered is how the Antichrist comes on the scene,
what he looks like, and how he deceives everyone on the planet.
It gives hope about life in the tribulation
and the great outpouring of God's Spirit with miracles in the time of trouble.
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