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Those of mine will be changed into their glorified bodies when this wind engulfs them... (warrior-princess)

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2015. 10. 3.











My Journal 09/29/15

My child write this.  The day of transformation is upon you.  Rejoice now for the life you knew in this body is coming to an end.  No more sickness or injury.  Death cannot touch you!  only life everlasting is yours now for all of eternity.

Indeed, I did pick you for this very hour to herald my return, to love me with all your heart and to pray for each other.  You are a very elite group that was chosen before the foundation of the Earth.  Oh my Darling, I can’t wait to bestow this gift upon you!  Remember how Cinderella was transformed (smiling) so beautiful? (I see Cinderella twirling with a sparkly mist all around her as she is transformed)  You will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye wrapped in my glory!  You will sparkle more than the sun.  Oh I can’t wait to hear your squeals of delight my love.  I have reserved this for you and your friends in this very late hour.

Stay at your post.  It is nearly here.

You may share this privately and publicly for all my Bride.

My Bride is beautiful beyond compare and I am thanking My Father for her!

My Journal 9-5-15

The winds are shifting my love.  The storm clouds bring rain.  For some, this storm will be brutal and destructive, for others this storm will be a refreshing wind!

Which side are you on?

Are you ready to receive more of me to be changed in an instant?

Surely this will happen sooner than you think.  Watch for the approaching storm!

My Journal 9-6-15

A new wind is about to blow my love!  Hurricane force.  For those who are not ready for it, it will be a destructive wind that brings judgement.  For those who are mine, the wind will be a refreshing wind and in it is my power and glory.  Those of mine will be changed into their glorified bodies when this wind engulfs them.

Soon it will blow!  My Bride is perfectly protected from all that will come upon the land, specifically upon the United States.  The countdown has begun and very few grains of sand remain to fall in the hourglass. 

Be ready at all times, for you know not the day this will happen.


My Journal 9-7-15

The time is very short my love.  Look to the skies.  Soon the mist will fall and you will be changed!  These trials are being kept to a minimum.  once you and your family are in your new bodies the enemy will have no access or power over you.  Nothing and no one will be able to harm you.  Those who are not transformed in the First Call will go through many trials but you and my Bride will help them and will show them the way home.

There is a vast harvest ready for my workers.  Look across the fields.  There are fields in every nation to be harvested.  My workers have assignments and will be strategically placed in each nation.  Some already live where their assignment will be, and others will be transported across the world to their assignments.

Be ready my love.  The storm is approaching but I come in the storm so rejoice!  Soon my love, very soon.

I love you so much .  I would die all over again for only one of my children.  All my children are so precious in my sight.  Use my name, my love to fight through these final trials.

The breaking of the dawn in upon you!

(Hope note - WP says the "mist" is like what she saw in her 12/29/14 vision below)

My Journal - 08/26/15 

This message was given to me on September 4, 2014.....but it was not ready to be released until this moment!! Posting for first time today, on Aug 26, 2015

My Journal 9-4-2014

This is a good day My love. My hand is at work. You cannot see what is behind the scene hidden, but I can. I know all things and have orchestrated My will concerning all My children. Soon you will be changed and taken into a whole new level of ministry for the lost. The warning will go out for America. Many will die, but I hold each person and plan their way of escape right into My arms. September is pivotal. Much will take place. Remember the number 9? Matthew 7:7 Seek and ye shall find, knock and it will be opened unto you, ask and ye shall receive. It is the time of great miracles! It is the time of the latter rains! Let it begin! Soon My love. Be ready and don’t worry about mocking. You are in good company! Go in peace. Walk in Love, patience, kindness and long suffering. Put others before yourself and shine brightly for Me!


(Hope note - in Gematria, 9 is the number of Judgement.  As Tet the 9th number of the Hebrew alphabet, it represents both good and evil.

My Journal - 08/23/15

The wait is almost over my love.  Do you hear my voice calling to you soothing your anxiety?  Rest your head on my shoulder and know that I come to make all things right…all things new!

My destiny has been set.  Your destiny has been set and the world’s destiny has been set.  Soon everything will be turned upside down.  Nothing will be the same and nothing will remain except my love.  It will never change.  Soon you will get to feel my love upon you.  You cannot bear it in this body but once you are transformed you will be able to feel the entirety of my love!

Surely the days are short and everything seems the same, but in a single moment it will all change.  Everything will play out in God’s will.  History has been written and what is to come has been ordained since the beginning of time.

In the quiet I will be and in the storm I will be.  Keep your eyes fully focused on me and the storm will have no impact on you.  Look at the waves and fear will creep in.  Look only to me your salvation  for I am here with you in the now and soon you will be with me in your new body.

Apart from me, you have nothing.  With me, you have everything you need and more.

Soon you will walk the Earth rescuing my children even those who do not know they are my children yet.  You and all my warriors will give new meaning to the phrase “Good Samaritan”!!  Gifts and rewards are being stored up in Heaven for those who help bring in my children.  The storehouses in Heaven are filled to overflowing with good things my love.  I can’t wait to show you!  Wait patiently for the time is upon you!


My Journal - 08/16/15

My Love I see you searching.  I see your questions of when and how.  You ask why is the world so evil and why haven’t you rescued us yet.  Hang on to me tightly for soon I will come for you, but until that time do you see that I am already with you?  I will never leave your side.  once the veil is removed you will see clearly.  Just remain in me and let me carry your burdens.  The world’s burdens are too heavy. 

You were never meant to carry them.  I designed you for me.  What queen would carry these burdens?  It is the King of Kings that is able to carry these burdens.  But a little longer my love.  Keep me ever present in your thoughts for I am always watching over you.

Go in peace and breathe me in deeply.  Soon My breath will blow over you and you will be changed.  Do you understand that you were created for the King of Kings for His great pleasure?  You are priceless, and I will not lose even one of my own.  My love how I love you.  

Be of good cheer for I am coming to rescue you!

Your King!





