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NASA Mistakenly Confirms Nibiru at NEOWISE Conference [Sept 29, 2011]

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2015. 10. 11.




NASA Mistakenly Confirms Nibiru at NEOWISE Conference

[Sept 29, 2011]

2011. 09. 30.





영상 게시자 설명:


업로드된 날짜: 2011. 9. 30.

Read the article here: http://humansarefree.com/2011/09/nasa-almost-mistakenly-confirms-nibiru.html

4:12 The guy asks about Planet X - Look at their reactions and glance exchanges.

They haven't said: Planet X doesn't exists, they've said 'Planet X isn't coming to get us'

& 'we think this is just a sort of ... if there's something out there,

could be a large body in a roughly circular orbit." Wait, WHAT???

Without the mumbling she basically says:

'Planet X is a sort of a large body in a roughly circular orbit'. Thank you NASA!

Originally uploaded by UndercoverAlien:
Sept. 29, 2011. NASA makes a conference for updating information

about the database of near-Earth asteroids in our solar system,

tracked by Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope.

Someone in a phone call asks about Planet X aka NIBIRU and the answers provided by NASA,

took the acronym "Never A Straight Answer" to a whole new level.
