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Unfolding of the 3 Days of Darkness, Harvest, Rapture, and Tribulation - 2015 11 06

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2015. 11. 10.




Unfolding of the 3 Days of Darkness,

Harvest, Rapture, and Tribulation

게시일 - 2015 11 06














The Unfolding of Events


-  Before the 3 Days of Darkness

-  During the 3 Days of Darkness

-  Harvest

-  Rapture

- Tribulation



What follows is a more concise and condensed version of another video series I did titled Primer for End Time Events.  I am going to let you know my beliefs of what will happen (mostly to those set apart of the Bride that I refer to as us) before and during the 3 Days of Darkness, the Harvest, the Rapture, and the Tribulation. Here is the full transcription.


Pre-3 Days of Darkness - Events leading up to the 3 DoD include bombs in Israel…war in Israel really.  Horrific geological & cosmic disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and  colors and objects in the sky that simply should not be there. The entire world will see these things come about, everyone will be afraid of what’s going on. CERN is part of the cause, as well as other manmade events.  Nibiru is also drawing closer, and we have already seen evidence of that in the geological disasters going on now. It is also possible that aliens…imposters that aren’t really aliens but are the Fallen angels…will show up before the 3 Dod to “help” mankind through the disasters.  There will be a cataclysmic/cosmic event occur, and everyone on the face of the earth will see this.  This is the sign that God is coming.  We will go to our homes and stay there!  And in truth, the whole world will be doing this, it will simply be THAT OBVIOUS and THAT HORRIBLE that people will do this.  There is a REASON for this though…God wants to speak to every soul that is alive, and this is how He is going to get their attention.  A mighty earthquake will occur a few days BEFORE the 3 DoD and that is our warning.  People will not want to be out and about, so He will finally have the world’s attention.


3 Days of Darkness - once we are in our houses, the darkness will descend.  Many people whether Christian or not, lukewarm or lost, have had dreams and visions of this darkness.  During this actual event, pitch blackness, a tangible darkness that can be felt such as in Exodus 10:21, will cover the earth.  This has nothing to do with a solar flare, EMP, or anything else.  This is being sent by God for His glory.  We are not to fear, we are to be EXCITED AND THRILLED knowing that finally after all these years of human training, we are ready for our spiritual training in another realm.  This darkness will settle over our houses and terrify many, but NOT where we live as WE will be lit up!  The Glory of God will shine through us and our families will see this.  Our homes will not be in darkness and we will see our protective angels surrounding us.   Outside, we may hear horrible sounds both from the demonic spirits as well as the earth groaning.  It matters not, just pray and worship because the Lord will be coming to visit all! I have this thought that He will put people in a type of sleep, in order to get their attention. Then God Himself will allow everyone to see how He sees their heart.  He has told us this in Messages.  He will also tell every soul, who Jesus is and they will have a chance to choose Him.  This is how the mandate of Matthew 24:14 will be carried out.  God Himself will finally complete it.


Since we are set apart for a specific purpose at this time, WE will see a DOOR. When you see this door, do not hesitate to go through it! We already have the Key, we are just waiting on this Door to present itself through Christ.  I don’t believe our families will see the Door, in fact I don’t believe they will know we even left because where we are going, time does not exist. We will be in a different realm, and ready for training for our new purpose, with our new translated body! We will hear as one, unity in Christ.  We will learn from angels and be given instructions.   We will be going back to our families to help during the darkness, and when it is over we will step out into the world to help assist in the Harvest.


Harvest – I’ve read many things about these coming 40 days.  Christ will accomplish all of His plans through us.  How exciting!  It’s like we will be Avengers, only Agents of God rather than Agents of Shield!!  Some will heal, some will multiply food, some will reveal the Fallen, and we will all bring in those who have come to Christ…readying them for the Rapture.  We will be on battlefields, pulling some in from the gates of Hell because those people have God’s seal on them.  They are His and He wants them! We will go out in pairs and also in groups, depending on the mission.  Sometimes we will be seen and other times we will not.  Demons will RUN from us!  The enemy will flee because Jesus is shining through us! Isaiah 60 explains this, as well as Daniel 12.  My daughter had a dream that she was running up the walls of a house and while she felt exhilarated in the dream, she was concerned.  I told her to read Joel 2…verse 11 specifically tells us this is JESUS’ army…not an evil army!  My friends, if you doubt at all about our purpose…read these three chapters I just mentioned.  They have been hidden in plain sight for millennium!  Preachers don’t preach this or if they do, they preach it incorrectly for the most part.  But the Lord has explained this to us in these last days…those with ears to hear.


A few of the dead in Christ will also help us.  I don’t know when they rise or how, but there is precedent in the Bible for this, when those arose with Christ and walked into the city of Jerusalem and appeared to others in Mathew 27:52-53.  Imagine you and your Grandmother appearing to your lost and lukewarm family members, not in a dead form, but in the appearance of someone alive and well with God shining through them.  This WILL happen!  Family and friends will STREAM to you…nations will rush to us because we have the Light of the Living God in us, the hope of Glory! We were made and are here at this time, for this very purpose!  I feel so strongly about this and all that God has shown me through the years, that I know that right now, this is my ministry…to help show those of the Bride that are part of this, their purpose. Not all have believed me, some have even yelled at me. But I presented the case and asked them to go to God for this. All of us need to do this. We are told over and over to go to God, not man.  But God uses man to get through to some people, and the time for this is about up!


Rapture - Towards the end of the 40 days, we will know it is almost time for the Rapture.  I do not believe we will go to Heaven during the 3 DoD OR during the 40 days…rather the Door that appears for us will allow us to continually go back and forth between our training and resting area, and the world. We are not taken to Heaven until the entire body of Christ is ready to rise when He appears to us.  Those who are looking for Him, will see Him.  It is said that those who are not looking for Him, will see something else, perhaps a false Rapture.  I believe this to be true but it is not the purpose of this discussion. But know that we will all go up at once when Christ comes for us in the clouds.


Tribulation – While some of the Bride stay in Heaven at this point, others will again come back.  It is possible that others who were not part of the “first call” of the Bride…(those that went through the Door), will be allowed to come back and help.  I believe my daughter is part of this second group, otherwise why would God give her that dream?  That’s just my interpretation of it.  Of course there will be those who did not make the Rapture but also have not taken the mark of the beast.  These people will remember what we did during the Harvest, and those that cry out to God will be saved. Our testimony, our witness, those videos and books and other things that were written, will make their way to these people because God will cause it to happen.  Those of us who come back will be allowed again to help with healing and multiplying food etc.  We may even be called upon to help them right before they die as martyrs.  All they have to do, is choose Christ.


Conclusion – God has shown me these events to come over several years of instruction from Him.  This is not verbal instruction, but rather I first asked Him to show me His truth.  Then He did...in a variety of methods and people.   I am listing many of the websites and channels that I visit on a daily basis below, so you too can read and watch, and go to the Lord for discernment.  He is the only one that can lead you to the Truth.


Great Shaking 2015 Update - Finally I wanted to clarify something I believe about the Great Shaking Word given to us through Julie Whedbee.  God initially gave that Great Shaking Word in April 2015.  Then He confirmed it as “this year” on Sept 27.  My interpretation of “this year” is this.  I am HOPING that it means 2015.  But it could be God’s year.  When He said He is confirming that this is the year of the Great Shaking, that is the FIRST time I’ve heard or read anything that pertained to a date I think is believable and divinely given.  But if we are still here at the end of 2015, then I am thinking He must mean His year.  God’s year starts on Nisan 1 (that’s the religious year…not Rosh Hashanah which is the civil New Year).  Nisan 1 was March 21 this year, and the Great Shaking Word was posted by Julie was on April 10th.  So God MAY have been talking about His year that started March 21 for us.  That could be interpreted to mean that the Great Shaking will be completed before Nisan 1 in 2016 which is April 8, 2016.  Another confirmation of this is that the Lord told Lisa that He would come “before the next 7”.  At the time Lisa received Message, she felt strongly in her spirit that this pertains to a set of something…not years or even Shemitah but a set.  I believe it may point to the next set of Feasts…which starts on Nisan 14 for Passover.  So that could be what God means by the Great Shaking “this” year…but I sure HOPE it means in 2015!  We only have a few days left to find out!  Are you ready?!?!?!  Keep your eyes on Israel and pray for her without ceasing!









위 글을 번역하여 올리지 못해서 죄송합니다.

번역하여 올리지 않은 이유는,

예전부터 게시했었던 다른 글들과 중복되는 내용이어서 참고만

하고자 올려 놓은 것인데요.


아래 글들을 혹 예전에 보신 분들이 계신지 모르겠습니다.

아래 글들 내용과 위에 게시한 영어 내용과 상응함으로

아래 글들로 대신 보셔도 참고하실 수 있을 거예요. ^^



* 글 제목: <3 일 간의 흑암 - 3 개의 환상 - 일어날 일 & 해야할 일>



* 글 제목: <거대한 태양풍 ▶ 지구 자기장의 찢어짐

▶ 3 일의 흑암 ▶ 다가오는 재앙을 어떻게 대비할 것인가?>



* 글 제목: <3 일 간의 흑암 & 휴거 전 후 일들의 전개에 대한 개인 소견 <1>




위 영어 영상의 추가적인 내용은, 위 영상을 제작하신 성도님께서

자신의 개인의 믿음을 피력한 부분 중에서 <날짜 기간> 과 관련하여서는,

Great Shaking 이 2015년, 아니면 2016년 4월 8일 전에는 발생할 것으로,

 주님 안에서 예상하고 계심을 피력하였고요.


(날짜 기한과 관련하여서는 오픈된 마음으로 주님 안에서 깨어 근신하고

기도하기 위한 참고로 저는 여기고,
아직 단정하거나 100% 확신 가운데 소개하는 입장은 아니니

이점을 참고해 주셨으면 하고요. ^^)


존귀하신 우리 주, 거룩하신 우리 주 예수님의 보호하심의,

앞으로의 모든 나날 되시기를 소망하여 기원드리며..


할렐루야.  )









        우리의 도움은 천지를 지으신 여호와의 이름에 있도다 - 시편 124:8 -



우리의 도움은 천지를 지으신 여호와의 이름에 있도다

- 시편 124:8 -