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[스크랩] 주 십자가 보혈 선포 기도문, 사탄 마귀 대적기도문 영문 번역

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2015. 12. 5.
주 십자가 보혈 선포 기도문
*Prayer Proclaiming the Lord's Precious Blood on the Cross*

I believe in the authority and the power of the Blood of Jesus.
I depend on the Blood of Jesus.
I believe that the authority of the Blood of Jesus will come true as reality.
May the work of the Blood of Jesus affect my life.
May the power of the Blood of Jesus manifest in my body.
May the blessing of the Blood of Jesus come upon my life.
May the authority of the Blood of Jesus come upon my mind.
May the force of darkness leave because of the Blood of Jesus.
May the spirit of wisdom and revelation shine brighter in the power of the Blood of Jesus.
May all diseases leave in the authority and the power of  the Blood of Jesus.
May all the cares and worries disappear. May the forces of Satan leave.
May there be divine heavenly blessings and prosperity.
May reconciliation, love, forgiveness, and peace overflow.
May our souls and all things be safe and go well.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my life.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my lips.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my mind.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my body.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into every step of my walk.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my work.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my head.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my brain tissue.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my heart.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my family.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my beloved husband (wife) and children.
Please pour out Your Precious Blood into my soul.
Let Your Precious Blood flow in my thoughts.
Let Your Precious Blood flow in my hands.
Let Your Precious Blood flow in my praises.
Let Your Precious Blood flow in my prayers.
Let Your Precious Blood flow in all the words that I hear.
Let Your Precious Blood flow like a river in my brain, eyes, ears, and mouth.
Let Your Precious Blood flow in my nerves, cells, blood vessels, digestive system, and the whole body.
I love the Blood of Jesus. I respect the Blood of Jesus.
I praise the Blood of Jesus. I trust the Blood of Jesus.
I boast in the Blood of Jesus. I proclaim the Blood of Jesus.
I believe in the authority of the Blood of Jesus.
I believe in the power of the Blood of Jesus.
I believe in the promise and the righteousness of the Blood of Jesus.
I believe in the living work of the power of the Blood of Jesus.
I love and depend on the Blood of Jesus.
I boast in and testify for the Blood of Jesus.
I believe that the Blood of Jesus is the Blood of life and eternal life, and the Blood that resurrects the dead.
I believe that death, sins, curses, and diseases leave because of the Blood of Jesus. And I praise the Lord.
Thank You for setting me free from sins with the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for making Satan and spirits of darkness leave because of the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for filling my spirit and mind with Your Words and Holy Spirit because of the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for the abundant life and healthy body because of the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for the safe protection and joy because of the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for enlightening me about the Words of wisdom and revelation, and allowing me to enjoy them because of the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for letting me fully enjoy thankfulness, joy, and peace because of the Blood of Jesus.
I praise God who allows me to enjoy the work of life, the work of power, the work of blessing, and the work of health and peace because of the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for giving me the life of Jesus and taking me up.
May all my prayers, wishes, and life be fulfilled abundantly with the power and authority of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
Praise the Lord, who is coming soon as the King of kings, and who allows us to live blessed life with safety every moment until the moment that we get taken up under the Precious Blood of Jesus.
I decide to live my life depending on, boasting in, testifying for, and proclaiming the Blood of Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and forever, and who is coming soon.
I proclaim and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who is coming soon quickly. Amen.

사탄 마귀 대적기도문
*Prayer against the enemy Satan*

In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command the evil spirits that are binding the bride of Christ to leave immediately.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command all the sins, curses, and the authority of death and hell to be crushed immediately.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command Satan to immediately turn back from the bride, who has the power of the Precious Blood that overcame everything on the cross.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command all the curses on the bride's spirit, soul, and body, and the curse of greed for money be crushed immediately.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I ask that the consuming fire to come down immediately.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command the enemy Satan! Take your hands off the bride's thoughts, mind, and body immediately.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus I command. Do not afflict or touch the bride, who belongs to the Lord, any more.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command all the churches to be filled with the first fruit bride.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command the strongholds of the spirits of Satan, who has the power of the air, to collapse.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command the sources of diseases, which interfere with the bridal preparation by bringing in all kinds of diseases, to dissipate forever.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command all the forces of diseases to be swallowed up.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command all the authority on money to be released so that it can be used to save souls and prepare the way for the Lord's coming.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command ecumenism and idolatrous WCC (world council of churches) to immediately collapse and be crushed. Ecumenism causes people to eat the modern fruit of knowledge of good and evil, and directly fights against God's Words by hiding them cunningly,
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command new life and the wind of liveliness of resurrection and rapture to blow stronger.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command the spiritual eyes to be open in order to clearly see Jesus, who is coming again.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus I command. Know the imminent rapture and tribulation, and know the hidden identity of the verichip, which is the mark of the beast 666, and do not receive it.
In the name of my bridegroom Jesus, I command the door for the rapture to open wide for my family and my church.
I proclaim and pray in the name of Jesus, who is coming soon. Amen.

(직역이 아니라, 영어권 사람들이 사용하는 표현 방식으로 의역하였습니다.
참고: '신부들' 이라고 할 때, 영어에서는 '신부' 라는 단수로 표현합니다. 왜냐하면 우리 모두가 하나의 신부로 취급되기 때문입니다. 이것이 우리가 서로를 감싸주어야 하는 또 다른 이유입니다. 우리는 한 몸이니까요. ^^)


출처 : 김베드로의 외침
글쓴이 : Enoch 원글보기
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