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Greg Olsen 화가 그림 - <만왕의 왕 / King of kings> 외..

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2016. 2. 13.






<Nurtured by the Word>










<The Dandelion>











<The Comforter>











<Be Not Afraid>











<Hope on the Horizon>











<I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus>










<Walk with Me>












<In His Constant Care>












<Gentle Healer>












<Lost No More>











<O Jerusalem>











<Sacred Grove>










<Sun's Out Beside Still Waters>











<In the World Not of the World>











<The Road to Bethlehem>

(* 이 그림이 Greg Olsen 님의 그림인줄 알고 함께 올렸는데, Joseph Brickey 님의 그림이라고 하네요.  ;)












<Wherever He Leads Me>





















<Cast Your Nets on the Right Side>











<Lost and Found>











<The Master's Touch>











<Alpha and Omega>










<Precious In His Sight>













<King of kings>












Greg Olsen 작품 더보기 

--->  https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=Greg+Olsen+art&rls=com.microsoft:ko&biw=1280&bih=703&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjK8O6J3vPKAhUCkpQKHYfGC9YQ_AUICCgB#