A new video: Star Trek Enterprise (Storm Front II)
- The Mastery of Time and the Resetting of Time
Season 4's opening episodes feature reptilian aliens who came from the future, as Nazi officers, altering the timeline. They have the mastery of time. What they do brings an intervention, and time is reset to undo the manipulated timeline. What makes this science fiction plot really compelling is the dialog and how the elapsed time of the production exhibits a potent layer of Occult symbolism. This encoding in the presentation layer matches the Occult symbolism we see and hear with the time when we experience it, according to the meaning of the numbers on the counter. It's a potent ritual and one that we've dedicated several videos to already.
“Soon, history will belong to us. We will stretch out our hands and mold it according to our will." This line brings the Mandela Effect to mind, which is not fictional, not imaginary - it's our present reality!
“Not even the gods of our ancestors could have imagined such power.”
This is a boast the alien Nazi SS officer makes, and in the context,
and what their stated goal is, it's biblical and very openly parallel.Star Trek Enterprise (Storm Front II) - The Mastery of Time and the Resetting of Time
Star Trek Enterprise (Storm Front II) - The Mastery of Time and the Resetting of Time
게시일: 2017. 01. 23. The Open Scroll
Since we learned that the prophetic timeline was going to be restored by means of a resetting of time, we've been more attentive to how this kind of thing is presented in science fiction productions. Some of these dramatizations are more significant than others. The Star Trek series called, Enterprise, has some episodes that are notable.
Season 4's opening episodes feature reptilian aliens who came from the future, as Nazi officers, altering the timeline. They have the mastery of time. What they do brings an intervention, and time is reset to undo the manipulated timeline. What makes this science fiction plot really compelling is the dialog and how the elapsed time of the production exhibits a potent layer of Occult symbolism.
This encoding in the presentation layer matches the Occult symbolism we see and hear with the time when we experience it, according to the meaning of the numbers on the counter. It's a potent ritual and one that we've dedicated several videos to already.
The pristine video can be streamed or downloaded from this page:
- The Mastery of Time and the Resetting of Time
CERN - The Resetting of Time
- ("..We will stretch out our hands and mold it(history) according to our will.."
"..The timelines are resetting itself...")
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