- Elizabeth Comes Out of The Closet!
(Words from Jesus Christ)
엘리자베스 여왕이 렙탈리언이라는 계시적 메세지
2016 09 25
A Prophesy of Biblical Proportion: The Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth,
Makes a Public Announcement that she is the Queen of the Reptilians,
(an Ancient Demonic Breed of Aliens that have been upon this Planet since the Beginning of Time)
A Message from Jesus Christ to the Lukewarm Church
(those Left Behind after the Rapture of the Holy Children)
Words Received by Messenger Gwendolen Song,September 9, 2016
This is an official correspondence from the Throne of the Living God.
This is a message to the children of God who will not be qualified to be a part of the Bride of Christ,
because even though they profess with their mouths that they love Christ,
they did not take the time to truly prepare for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb by living holy
and acceptable unto the Groom (Jesus Christ).
Dearest ones,
Children, it is with great sadness that I must deliver this very difficult message through My end times prophetess and friend, Gwendolen. Children, I am going to begin unraveling more and more end time’s mysteries through My daughter at the end of the Church Era in order to educate the other children of God of the events that will be taking place upon the earth during the Great Tribulation. This time period will begin approximately three and a half years after the PUBLIC signing of the historic peace accord dividing My holy land.
It is most important to understand this fact; that everything that appears to be unfolding on your television and computer screens is more of a hoax towards the other children of God in order to hide their very secretive global agenda of ushering in the time period of the Antichrist and False Prophet. All of the key figures are in their places, dearest ones. Even the fallen ones are here and have their own unique roles to play.
In this correspondence I want to explain some newer mysteries with My children who may not be keeping up with the underground news on the internet about the demon-alien-reptilian agenda that is taking place upon your planet. Children, there have been demon alien reptilians living upon your planet ever since the beginning of time. They have been here secretly disguised as humans and due to their advanced technological advances that they learned from their ancestors in heaven, they are able to disguise their appearances by drinking the untainted blood of innocent humans. They thrive on the blood of the youngest of My children and have created many industries to keep a fresh supply of plasma and other blood products to help prevent these fallen ones from returning to their original shapes.
They have blood banks, also called tissue resource centers, to help them to have a constant supply of human blood for the time period that is fast approaching. They have the fetal stem cell programs also that were funded and initiated on the soil of the United States of America. These places will feed the demon reptilians in the days ahead when there is much chaos upon your planet. You see dearest ones, they are just as concerned as you are that they will not have the resources that they need once the end times events swing into full motion. They are concerned that they will not have a fresh supply of blood or even their unique water requirements. They require a different concentration of salt in their drinking water to help maintain homeostasis (balance) within their own bodies.
The most important part of this correspondence, dearest ones is to understand that everything that is about ready to come to light is due to the presence of a greater plan of the enemy against the children of God. Satan wants all of My children to receive the mark of his name. It is the mark of the beast and it will eternally damn all of My children to hellfire should they receive it. It is also the mark of My enemy and should you take it you are publicly stating that you honor Satan and not Jesus Christ. It will be a conscious choice for My children in most cases. It will also be the greatest decision of your life! I advise all of My children to begin reviewing all of the verses in My holy word pertaining to the mark of the beast and the importance of living holy and acceptable to Me. I am a holy God and I expect all of My children to also live holy. I expect them to honor Me with their actions, their thoughts, and with their bodies. Your bodies are the temple of My Holy Spirit and they must be kept pure and holy by not mixing with the pleasures of the world. If you sincerely ask Me to help you to begin living holy I will surely help you, because it is My desire for all of My children to be removed from this planet during the rapture of the Bride.
Dearest ones, in the days ahead there will be an official press conference that will be seen on all the television networks of the Queen of England coming out of the closet so to speak. She will make a public confession that she is not actually a human at all, but a genetically modified human that has been living on this planet for many years in a slave state trying to hide her identity. She will explain what it is that she actually is. She will tell everyone that she is a real person too, but that she is a hybrid reptilian. She will educate people and let them know that the reptilians have a heart and deep emotions too, just like the humans.
This information will come at a time of great distress upon the planet, children. This information, although it will be difficult to believe, most people will just take it for what it is and move on because they are too wrapped up in other concerns going on within their own families. Disease and pestilence and terrorism will be on the rise and My children will be in information overload. They will have to decide how to navigate through all of the public issues going on as well as the new information of a new species of beings living on the planet. Many of My children who are not close to Me will understand this information too. They will have been educated before the internet goes down and they will remember what the other messengers and prophets have spoken on this topic. I urge all of My children to download this video and written word and any other ones on the internet to help those who are left behind understand the deception that will increase in the days ahead.
Now that you know this information, dearest ones, where do you go from here? What do you do because you have been given this knowledge? I urge each and every one of My precious children to sincerely seek Me on this message and do not retaliate against My holy messengers. They are doing the very difficult task that they are being called to do. Their jobs were assigned to them even before the foundations of the earth were laid. It is not right or tolerable for those of My children who do not understand these deeper revelations to come against My anointed ones. Rather, come to Me with a sincere heart in full repentance and I will communicate with each of you as to the seriousness of this information.
In closing, dearest ones, I want to ask you to please refrain from using your electronic devices so much. Begin fasting from your electronic devices and even turning them off for long periods of time, as you are able to. Some of you must have them turned on due to your occupations or for medical reasons, but for those of you who do not fit in these two categories, please begin fasting from your technology immediately in order that you may spend more time fully focused on your Creator and what He wants to say to your heart. If you do not take routine breaks from the things of this world it will be more difficult for you in the days ahead. This is My most loving advice/instructions to each of you. Please, hear your LORD and SAVIOR this day. Please come out of the world system of entertainment and electronics. Sit in My presence now. Tomorrow may be too late.
I am with you My little ones. I am with you each until the end of time.
Father God and His Special Sacrificial Son, Jesus Christ, The Messiah to the Entire World
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on His name will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
척 미슬러 간증 영상 (성경 연구를 통해 UFO는 마귀적 존재로서
마지막 때의 징조 및 사건과 깊은 연관이 있다는 사실을 발견한 이야기)
힐러리 클린턴이 렙탈리언이라는 계시적 메세지 (영어)
---> http://blog.daum.net/jesus.loves.u/3331
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