(펌) 이스라엘 랍비가 선지자 엘리야의 동굴에서 하나님의 메시지를 받다.
And behold! The word of the Lord came to him. And He said to him:
“What are you doing here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19:9)
보라. 주의 말씀이 그에게 임하고 그분께서 그에게 이르시되. 엘리야야, 네가 거기서 무엇을 하느냐? 하매
On the morning of Tuesday, June 9, Israeli mystic Rabbi Amram Vaknin,
led a prayer service at the Cave of Elijah the Prophet in Haifa, Israel,
along with approximately 30 Jewish men and 30 Jewish women, to pray for the welfare of the Jewish people.
Gil Nachman, an aide to the Rabbi and an eyewitness,
told Breaking Israel News that at approximately 11:30 AM,
Rabbi Amram Vaknin suddenly fell to the ground, into the mud and water on the floor of the cave.
6월9일 화요일 아침 이스라엘 하이파에 있는 엘리야선지자의 동굴에서
이스라엘 랍비 Amram Vaknin는 대략 30명의 유대인남여들과 함께
유대인들의 번영을 위해 기도예배를 인도했습니다.
랍비의 조력자와 목격자들이 Breaking Israel News 에 대략 오전11시30분쯤에
랍비 Amram Vaknin 가 갑자기 동굴바닥위 진흙과 물 투성인 바닥에 쓰러졌다고 전언했습니다.
In this world, Rabbi Vaknin was lying on the floor, but what happened in that cave,
according to Nachman, “was above this world.
The rabbi received a message for the Jewish people from Eliyahu haNavi
(Elijah the Prophet) that there is a decree from Heaven that war will be starting in the south of Israel,
will move to the north of Israel and will continue inside of Israel.
Thousands of people will die, God-forbid.”
All Jewish people throughout the world are being urgently requested to unite,
to pray together in groups, to fast and to give charity in order to avert this decree.
Jews are being urged to direct the power of their prayer to beg God to have mercy on the Jewish nation.
Further, according to Nachman, people are being asked to polish their character traits,
their fear of Heaven and to improve their interpersonal interactions, in order to change the decree in Heaven
랍비 Vaknin 은 이승에 있는 바닥에 누워있었지만 Nachman에 따르면
그 동굴 안에서 일어난 것은 이세상에 속한일이 아니었다.
랍비는 Eliyahu haNavi (선지자엘리야) 로부터 전쟁이 이스라엘 남부에서 시작해서
이스라엘 북부로 옮겨갈것이며 이스라엘 내부에서 이전쟁은 계속될 것이라는 하나님의 뜻을 받았다.
수천명의 사람들이 죽을것이다..그런 일이없기를!
이런 하나님의뜻을 피하기위해서 전세계 모든유대인들은 무리별로 함께 모여
금식과 헌신함으로 연합하여 기도하도록 요청받고 있습니다.
유대인들에게 국가에 자비를 부으시도록 하나님께 간구할 그들기도자들의 권위에 주목하도록 촉구하고있다.
게다가 Nachman에 의하면 천국에서 선포된 결정을 바꾸기 위해서
사람들에게 그들의 성격적 특성,하나님에 대한두려움 을 새롭게하고 대인상호관게를 개선하도록 요청하고 있다.
In an interview with Breaking Israel News, Nachman,
speaking for Rabbi Vaknin, passionately appealed to the Jewish people to unite.
“We have to be together! No matter what a person wears on the outside,
we have to have the intention to love one another.”
또 한 인터뷰에서 랍비 Vaknin에 대해 말하면서 Nachman은 열정적으로 유대인들은 연합할것을 호소했다.
우리는 함께여야합니다! 어떤사람이 겉으로 무엇을 입었든지 간에 우리는 서로를 사랑할 의도를 가져야합니다.
Yehudis Schamroth of Beit Shemesh, Israel began attending Rabbi Vaknin’s prayer gatherings six months ago.
She told Breaking Israel News, “I first went to Rabbi Vaknin for brachot (blessings) for me and my family.
He took a genuine interest in me in a grandfatherly way.
He became especially animated in conversation
when I asked him how I could help bring along the geula (the final redemption of the Jewish people).”
Rabbi Vaknin, a 76 year-old mystic who lives in striking poverty in the port city of Ashdod,
comes from a family of mystics.
His mother and his grandmother had the same gift of receiving revelations from Heaven.
Through these messages, Rabbi Vaknin accurately predicted
the “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” in May, 2010, the deadly fire in the Carmel forest in December of 2010
as well as Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012 and Operation Protective Edge in 2014.
In the coming days, Rabbi Vaknin is expect to announce a large prayer gathering in Israel.
Although a video of the revelation was posted to Facebook,
it is difficult to understand. Nachman told Breaking Israel News that some Hebrew subtitles have been added..
The location where this message was received by Rabbi Vaknin is significant.
The cave is the very place where God spoke to Elijah
when he was hiding from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel.
Further, in Jewish tradition,
it will be Elijah the Prophet who announces the ultimate redemption of the Jewish people.
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