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(펌글) Final proof 7 year Tribulation starts on 9-23-15" (50 days later sudden destruction on 11-11-15 ?)

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2015. 8. 22.
이하 펌글 - http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/july2015/charlesh726-4.htm
Charles Holler (26 July 2015)
"Final proof 7 year Tribulation starts on 9-23-15"


Greetings John and Doves,
  Below is some correspondence from Ron Reeses IC7 group this week and I thought I would post it today.

Greetings IC7
   Thank you Pasha and Ron For your input,
Let me first clarify that when I said I thought the Tribulation would start on 9-23 I continued to say I believed WW3 and the Rapture would start on 11-11. Even though I will always believe in an immanent rapture, I believe the rapture could happen shortly after the start day  (like 50 days to 11-11) It is only the last 30 days that has solidified for me the 70th week of Daniel  absolutely start 9-23 because of Daniels 62-7-1 count from the time to rebuild Jerusalem. Since the first day(June 7, 1967) of the 7(49 x 360) count is the last day of the 62 (434 x 360) then the first day of the 1 (7 x 360) should also be the last day of the 7 count (9-23-15)

62 ...Aug. 20, 1539 to June 7, 1967
07...June 7, 1967 to Sept. 23, 2015
01...Sept. 23, 2015

Then 50 days later after the largest Harvest ever will be Rapture/sudden destruction on 11-11-15
 Pasha says she must see a 120 day warning for a day so earth shaking. My view is Since I believe 9-23 is day 1 of the trib I also believe this is the day the anti-messiah is revealed to the world. ( we watchmen already know his identity) He will attempt to imitate Jesus at every opportunity. There was no 120 day warning recorded for the Birth of Jesus. There was however the Bethlehem Star and like bookends the first one announce Jesus first coming and the second Bethlehem is announcing the AC first ....and only coming. This is conjunction of Jupiter and Venus last from 7-11 to 9-11. I don't see a 120 day warning but I see a :

1 69 week of weeks (483 years of 360 days) warning ( August 20, 1539 to 9-23-2015)
2.  7 week of weeks (  49 years of 360 days) warning ( June 7, 1967 to 9-23-2015) a second witness from Daniel
3 First day of the 70th and last Jubilee warning from Daniel and Moses is 9-23-2015
4 First day of the last Shemitah , a 7 year cycle warning
5.120 year less the 75 extra days of Daniel from Aug. 28, 1897 to 9-23-2015
6. First day the AC and FP meet at White House is 9-23-015
7. 13 ( a top satanic number) days after his Bethlehem star ceases is 9-3-2015
8. Within the last week before final Super Blood Moon seen from Jerusalem is 9-23-2015

Possible but not fact yet:

09. The first day of a 50 day count ( the new 9th candle on 9 candle menorah making 11-11 a new feast day not yet established but to be celebrated for all eternity as the Pentecost for the fall feasts and Rapture day of Jesus' Bride) The Church was born on the Spring Feast Pentecost and will be completed on the new fall Feast Pentecost) is 9-23-2015
10. A 10 day warning from 9-13-15 and possible 10 days of tribulation is 9-23-2015
11 A possible 7 day warning for 9-23-2015 to be fulfilled
12 A possible 3 day warning for 9-23-2015 to be fulfilled
This is my present view subject to always be modified based on any new progressive revelations.





이상 펌글 - http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/july2015/charlesh726-4.htm