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교회의 시간은 끝이났다. - The Time of the Host is Over - (the Host...the body of Christ NOW on earth, then our time is over..)

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2015. 10. 4.










09/16/15 – The Disaster

Word: In the middle of the night I heard “The time of the Host is over.” I heard it twice…then thought I better write it down so I would not forget it. Later on I realized that the exact wording is important so remember that when you are writing down Words etc. The word “host” was not plural. I also felt it should be capitalized as in THE Host. Research showed me that “hosts” means armies, and the Lord of hosts is the Lord of all the heavenly armies. But the angel armies time is NOT over. I believe this particular use of Host is to point to us, the body of Christ. I see this as 1 Luke 22:19

" And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."

Various denominations and Christian practices have different words to mean the communion wafer.  I believe that is what Host is referring to with what I heard.  Yes I know that is what Catholics call it.  That does not matter to me.  What matters is that I wrote the word down correctly. If we are the Host...the body of Christ NOW on earth, then our time is over!   Yay!!

Vision: Soon after hearing that, I had a vision of the word “Liberation”. I saw a light colored background or backboard if you will, and it flashed and I saw this word. When I saw the word I had the impression that it was regarding the Fallen. I was reminded of this verse in 

Rev 9:14,

“Then the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates."And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they would kill a third of mankind.” 

(Sixth Trumpet) 

Several hours later I had a dream, right before waking up actually. I would like to add that I had asked the Lord a few days ago, exactly what disaster should I prepare for.  Once I woke up, I knew I had my answer.  Floods and imposters!

Dream: I was at work but needed to leave early to go to the bank (this is typical in real life as well as I make a deposit before going home). Before I left, I sat with some others at what appeared to be an old school desk. A high school friend was there but I did not want him to recognize me because I did not look as good as I did back in school (who does?!??!). :-)   He was talking to others and mentioning California. Right before I got ready to leave, I did reveal who I was to him and we hugged. In fact, I felt overwhelmed with affection for him and hugged harder, almost sobbing as he tried to console me. He said something about living in Texas then.

The company started having a party but I was not staying. I looked for my purse and it was missing. I was very annoyed with my co-workers as I thought they were pulling a prank. I asked around about it but everyone was drunk and no one cared about my missing purse; in fact THEY were upset that I was upset with them. I left the building without my purse.

Once I got outside, I did not recognize where I was although I knew the building (like a hospital) was where I worked, it seemed dilapidated and letters missing out of the hospital name, something like Lakewood.  I turned in the direction of my car, then realized my keys were in my purse which was missing. I knew I had to go back in the building. At the right of the building was a strange sight (although not in my dream). I saw geodesic domes, all set out in rows like a trailer park.


These were very large, possibly three stories tall. Not simple round domes like the picture...but a complex structure with scattered windows and ledges and doors, possibly plumbing and conduit type features, with this honeycomb roof.  They were all in a row and I saw more than one row.  People were mulling about. 

There was a truck that was pulling one of the domes out of the row, as if it was time to move it. It was a regular size pickup truck so the dome must have been lightweight.  


As I turned to look in the area in front of the building, I saw a black man walking with others. He was talking about a specific young girl who had been through some trauma; apparently she was known by the media. I did not see her at first, then I saw her. She was wearing a mask. She was covering her face supposedly because of damage, except the mask was creepy. It was made up of two colors, her left side was white and the right side had a large area covering the right eye and was beige.  The man (candidate) was behind me and getting closer, and I heard him telling everyone, “This is the girl that I want to vote for me!” I looked ahead and there was another man from the political team trying to coordinate everyone to be ready for when the candidate got to that area.

This area was in front of the building…and it was flooded. It was at least three feet high with water and I knew I had to go through it to get back to the building. I felt it was what I needed to do so I started to walk back to the building to call my husband to come get me. 

End of dream.

I did not feel any fear at all during this dream, whether with my co-workers, the geodesic community, the candidate or girl, or the flood.

Interpretation: Most of this is fairly simple. I had asked God a few days ago to show me what specific disaster I would have to deal with. I had gotten this book from Holly Deyo out over the weekend and every imaginable disaster preparedness is in there, and I didn’t know where to start. This dream is for sure current day, because I had not yet been transformed and that was brought to my attention a couple times. I do believe though that the affection for my old friend may be pointing to increased love, compassion, and prayer for the lukewarm and the lost soon.  The drunk co-workers are easy to point to as the lukewarm and lost right now, all caught up behind the veil.

In the dream, I am not able to leave when I want to. I will leave early (transformation) but before that happens, I have to go through some things. Frankly, every one of us needs to be prepared to go through such global and local havoc, that it will seem as if God has left us. You should reread Bonnie’s Words as they point to this kind of warning. God is warning us…but also states He is with us no matter what.

The Geodesic community really got my attention upon waking up because I knew the correct word in the dream (I would not know this in real life). I prayed about this because why not use mobile homes/trailers? They too are temporary shelters (which is the interpretation as they are in rows and move easily) but they are not large enough. I’m not sure who these quick to build shelters are for, but they were there for a reason in my area. They looked like a rounded honeycomb…that shape of hexagon. As I typed this, it occurred to me that these shelters may have been provided by aliens…aka the Fallen. Last week I purchased DVDs of the TV series “V” (visitors). It’s a sci-fi television series from the 80s, and remade a few years ago. The head female commander is considered their “queen” and she is an alien. Also if you read the information on this sphere on the geodisic dome link above, there is a “chord” involved. There is probably a lot more to interpret here but it’s beyond me. As I read the description of chord, the Greek word “nu” stood out to me. It has a numeric value of 50 and that brought me to here.

I don’t know if it’s a rabbit trail or not, but I can see the Fallen copying God and using Aleph Tev...and also 50 for the Jubilee year!

The candidate’s appearance is current day. In the USA, we are seeing many people as candidates for office right now (our vote is November 2016). The fact that he headed for the masked girl and ignored all the adults that could have voted for him, is interesting. The girl is too young to vote and he did not seem to care about the adults voting for him based on feigned sympathy for the girl. He just wanted her vote…was he drawn to her because she is part of the Imposters? A disguised human? A walkin or demon possessed person that controls the elite? As I type this, the Lord brought to mind the All Seeing Eye gesture that all the celebrities are doing.  I haven't studied it but have watched Seek and YeShall Find's videos and they explain a lot.  Certainly the “aliens” will promote the candidate they want in charge. They did this when I used to read their channelings (they were ALL about Obama then). So I can see that this girl may represent the Fallen…hidden in plain sight as they are even today.  It is possible that Obama is trying for a third term and may succeed with the help of the Imposters.

I was not surprised in the dream when I turned to see the flooded area. I took one step and was in it up to three feet and started to walk slowly to the building. I wanted to get back to the building and call my husband for help. I’m sure he represents Jesus and I sure needed a rescuer! Jesus will rescue His bride very soon!

I believe the Word, the vision, and the dream are all tied together. “The time of the host is over” represents us, the Body of Christ. We are being taken out soon. The Fallen will be liberated through CERN…that is why I saw the word as a FLASH with a bright lighted background highlighting the word quickly. Then the dream shows us that the Fallen come before the transformation, along with the disasters, and also to "help" save mankind from the calamities. Not really though, they do hate us and plan to destroy as many as possible.





