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2016 The Best of Times The Worst of Times (2015 12)

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2016. 2. 7.



2016 The Best of Times The Worst of Times



2016 will be the best of times and the worst of times.

For the Church it will be the best of times because we are about to enter a time of equipping for the harvest.

For the world and the Laodicean church it will be the worst of times

because they are entering into their time of stripping.

2016 will be marked by both favor and vengeance (judgment).

Favor for the “real” Church and vengeance released on the unrighteous.

It will be our year of Jubilee! It will be a very odd year when you view these two extremes,

but nonetheless, this is His plan to bring in the final harvest.

It will be the year of consumption (burning up).

“I will consume the chaff with fervent heat” (Matthew 3:12)

“Your nation will become unrecognizable as a democracy. I will punish the unrighteous leadership both in the government and in My House. Fallen, fallen will be the great who depend on self and indulge in self satisfying pleasure.

There will be a changing of the guard within My Church. There will be new blood, new faces. Fresh fire will fall on this leadership, the Spirit of Elijah will come upon My end time warriors. My prophets will prophesy like in the days of old. Fire will follow them. Fire will announce their arrival. They will not care for the fanfare of man, but will bask in the persecution to come, for the REAL PROPHETS are energized when confronted by their enemies. Just ask Elijah when he was confronted by the prophets of Baal! (I Kings 18: 20-40)

I will bring justice to this nation once and for all. I am speaking of My Word judging the world, which they have created without Me. A godless society is a useless society because they have made void My redemption and My redemptive plan.

America the Great shall be no more! The harlot has been exposed and her lovers will soon scatter, (Note: this is already happening throughout the world) leaving her to feast on herself, but there will be nothing left to consume.

Behold, I am coming for My Bride. Stay out of the spots of defilement. Stay out of the places of corruption. Be not found in darkness. Stay in the Light. Walk in the Light. Dwell in the Light, for soon a darkness will descend upon your nation, but your light will not experience or be overpowered by it!”

Authors Note: We will see the effects and even feel the effects of this darkness, but we will not realize or experience the totality of it.

We are children of light and the light we have is His light and the darkness cannot overtake it! John 1:5, John 8:12, John 11:10, John 12:36, 46, 2 Corinthians 4:4-6, Ephesians 5:8, I Thessalonians 5:5


Geopolitical Changes Coming:

In the past I usually receive more details on world events but this time it is different.

I believe the reason for that is we will witness a type of part two,

a continuation of many world events that are unfolding now.

They will unfold with greater intensity and be spawning into greater reach.

All I can say is get ready.

“A rising fear will flood the world, wars upon wars upon wars.

Men’s hearts failing them for fear. The world will finally say, ‘What a mess we are in!’

They will reach for solutions. Some will find Me and others will reject My Wisdom.

For them it will be their fall.

There will be hope! But man must be willing to be anchored to it during this storm of fear and uncertainty.

My Hand is extended with hope and help but man must choose My hand.” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

Author: Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

Benjamin Faircloth is the President and Founder of World Outreach Ministries International

and also the Pastor of Ignited Church in Lavonia GA. His wife Jennifer is also a Pastor at Ignited Church,

which was birthed out of a desire to see the glory of God restored to the church

and to help others discover their destiny in Christ! Benjamin has been in ministry for 22 years.



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