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ALIEN DECEPTION (2014 04 08)

by 샬롬♡예루살렘 2016. 3. 2.




2014 04 08





My dear children, 4-7-14

At the request of my daughter, this message is coming to the you tube channel of her brother Seho and her brother in Christ. This is a most important message my children, and a message that may catch many of you unaware and seeking further answers on a topic you may know nothing of. Dear children, there is an alien deception that is coming to the earth, and in many ways it is the most devious plot of all time, for it has to do with your children and your children’s children. It has been a demonic attack on mankind that has ever so cleverly come into the back door of your lives. It has to do with the toys your children play with. It involves the television shows and videos that they are so fond of. It is a very scary and prolific problem and it will reveal itself in the upcoming days. These are the days after the rapture of my most holy bride. Please consider where you and your households stand with your

Lord and Savior before you end this day dear children. Pray to me about the details of this message and how it may impact the lives of those you truly love

Hear the words of the Lord God Almighty when I say to you that there is a deception of epic proportions coming to your children. After the bride has been rescued, the demons will descend in their strange looking vessels and seemingly appear as though they come in peace. This is a lie, dear children. They come to devour and destroy each of you. When you see images of them on television or on the internet, do not arouse your curiosity, for they are coming with lots of surprises. They will initially look like familiar cartoon characters such as Pokemon and Hello Kitty. They will look like many of the friendly extraterrestrial characters that you have all grown so fond of over the years. Remember the saying of the ever so famous Pokemon-- Gotta Catch ‘Em All? Dear children, this is what they want to do to each and every one of you. They plan to invite you onto their vehicles that will bring you directly to hell with them. They bring with them a strange new technology that has been implemented in the Obama healthcare plan. The RFID technology is truly their idea and they have come to mark as many of my creation as possible to eternally change their DNA.

Children, please be counted worthy to escape these things. Please come into the arms of your loving God. I am the one you want to be fond of. They will hypnotize your children further and you will have little power to prevent them from going out of your homes to meet and greet them. Trust me children, you may think this a strange message coming from your Creator, but I am here to tell you that it is not a joke at all and I your Creator am not joking at all either. I love each and every one of you and it is time to close this era out with a full surrender to me. Children, in a few days the first blood moon of the blood moon tetrad will unfold bringing many mysteries of the final days of the church era. Won’t you reach up and out to me? I love you my children. I love you with all the sunshine that is within my heart. I am your King. I am your Messiah. Please come unto me before the doors of the ark are closed.

I love you my children,
Father God

Daughter, allow me to speak to you about my words to break the spells of Pokemon demons. Your children must literally break and burn all objects to remove the curses, for the curses only remain with the proximity of these objects. They give off a demonic scent and that is why your friend's son Christopher has the intense urge to destroy these objects. I gave him this desire. It is merely from me! once the objects of these demonic odours have been removed, pray scriptures referring to breaking the curses of Satan upon my children. Perhaps my son Christopher can post some of his favorite scriptures relating to this beneath this message. I also gave him a powerful dream I would like his mother to help him post as well. He can help others by sharing his powerful dream.

Daughter, the second part of this message is a significant point. We will call it exhibit A. Advertisers have continually played a chant of epic evil proportions to my children. It casts a spell upon them so they do in fact feel as though they must catch them all. Later, when a parent tries to separate their children from these objects, it is nothing but pure despair! Allow their temper tantrums to be evidence of this fact. The temper tantrums that these children exhibit are in fact the demons pleading to not be separated from your child. They precipitate these outbursts. Try and remove one of their precious Pokemon toys/objects and you will see exactly what I mean.

Pundits of my words will ask about their children who have packed these toys away and no longer play with them. Yes daughter, this occurs because new demons have come in and set up shop taking place of the old ones. Moral of this story daughter is to check new toy fads for your children with your heavenly Father. The enemy loves to deviously attack my creation from a young age and never let up til they are trapped forever in their demons. I am the light. I am the way. There is no task too great for me. Anyone who is dealing with issues such as these come before me on bended knee and I will help your child overcome their demons too.

Love, Jesus

Christopher, an 11 year old boy from Texas, was given an open vision from Jesus while listening to a you tube program with his mother called Exposed by Truth.( During the program the speaker was crying out as the Lord spoke through him to reach people regarding the upcoming destruction). In this open vision from Jesus, Christopher saw a huge space ship hovering over the land. He described the land as being on fire with destruction everywhere. The atmosphere was even red. He saw metal balls falling from space ships. People were screaming and running away from them. Out of the balls came Pokemon characters. When the people saw the Pokemon characters they went over to them. Christopher then saw the Pokemon characters taking on their true demonic form. During this vision Christopher’s mother observed the most terrified expression upon his face. He saw the demons decapitating people and slicing them into pieces. Then the vision concluded.

Deuteronomy 18: 10-13
10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God.