2015 07 20
영상 게시자 설명:
게시일: 2015. 7. 20.
Dream received 17th July 2015.
The beginning parts of the dream seemed personal, so i left it out.
i was walking in the streets, during day time, many people running away from something in a panic in a way,
soo i ran too along with their direction for my safety,
I knew there were a few of those creature type things that come from beneath the ground,
i stopped running and turned around to see, one of them were around the size of a army tank or bigger,
it had red gem stone color, it had a hard type exterior, the front structure was similar to an armadillo,
then scene change and I in my home and walk down the stair holding a sheet of flexible mirror,
i threw it on the pile of clothes on the right side, and i looked through a wide window it seems,
in the view i saw dark grey rectangular shaped spaceships in broad daytime.
They were flying in the air searching, prowling the land,
i knew they were also searching or hunting the humans, I also saw people running to escape,
and other people running for the reason to escape their home town, not many people though.
End of Dream, The sheet of mirror reminded me that we prophesy in part, and also seeing through a mirror dimly,
it was thrown in the pile of clothes indicating this situation is not looking through a mirror dimly,
that it will occur. The pile of clothes represented material things, that material things will be of no use when these things occur, or any survival stuff, for without Jesus we are nothing.
As some of the clothes in the pile were of technical survival quality.
These events will occuring during the Great Tribulation, believe in Jesus and prepare for the catching away to be made worthy to escape all things that will come to pass, ask God to show you personally which areas
in your life you need to change on, to be ready for him and not be left behind in the catching away,
not through asking man's opinion, but asking God to show it to you.
Be born again of water and Spirit, baptised by water and through the power of the Holy Spirit by Jesus.
Those left behind in the Great Tribulation is where the Mark of the beast will be forced on everyone
(Revelation 13:6).
The alien demons / Spaceships could be connected to the Mark of the beast agenda.
To carry out the plans of the Mark of the beast.
Those who receive the mark of the beast will be tortured in fire and sulfur.
1 Corinthians 13:12
For we are seeing through a mirror dimly, but then face to face: even now I know in part,
but then I shall know thoroughly just as I have been known.
1 Corinthians 13: 9-10
9. We know in part and we prophesy in part:
10. but when the perfect state that is to be ushered in by the return of Messiah, would come,
what is in part will be set aside.
Matthew 24:37
for Just as the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man
Daniel 2:43
And whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they will mix themselves with the seed of men,
but they will not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
Luke 21:36.
And you must continually be watchful at every time or every season asking
that you would prevail to escape all these things that are going to happen
and to stand before the Son of Man.''
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